Monday 14 November 2016

China's Xi Jinping calls Donald Trump for a talk

Chinese President Xi Jinping has told US president-elect Donald Trump that cooperation was the only choice for relations between the world's two largest economies, with Trump saying the two had established a "clear sense of mutual respect".

Intense speculation has swirled over the impact of Trump's win on China-US issues - from global trade and climate change to the security balance in the Asia-Pacific.

Trump lambasted China throughout the US election campaign, drumming up headlines with his pledges of slapping 45 percent tariffs on imported Chinese goods, and labelling the country a currency manipulator.

His election has injected uncertainty into relations at a time when Beijing hopes for stability as it faces daunting reform challenges at home, slowing growth, and a leadership reshuffle of its own that will put a new party elite around Xi in late 2017.

In their first interaction since the US election, Chinese state media said Xi told Trump in a telephone call on Monday that as the world's largest developing and developed economies, there were many areas where China and the United States could cooperate.

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