Monday 14 November 2016

Ex-banker turned Hollywood producer could be Trump's Treasury secretary

Image result for Steven Mnuchin pic

A leading choice to be Donald Trump's Treasury secretary is a campaign fundraiser and ex-banker who profited from both the housing meltdown and Bernie Madoff's ponzi scheme.

Steven Mnuchin is literally a child of Wall Street. His father was a partner at Goldman Sachs, and so was he. He worked for the firm for 17 years and reportedly earned $46 million.

These days he is a Hollywood producer, putting out films including this past summer's "Suicide Squad" as well as "American Sniper" and "The Lego Movie." His latest film, due in theaters this month, is called "Rules Don't Apply."

Mnuchin joined the Trump campaign as finance chairman in May, and sources tell CNN he made it clear early that he wanted the treasury job. He is already recruiting deputies, and a source in the financial lobby said that the industry is already open to the idea.

The post oversees banking regulation, financial markets, federal government debt and the IRS.

Mnuchin has built a career of controversy and contradictions.

He has contributed to both Republican and Democratic candidates, including Hillary Clinton's Senate campaigns and 2008 presidential run. He gave to Barack Obama's Senate and presidential campaigns and to Charles Schumer, the new Democratic leader in the Senate.

Mnuchin also worked with George Soros, the billionaire financier who has bankrolled liberal candidates and causes -- and who was depicted as a villain in Trump's last campaign ad.

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