Friday, 11 November 2016

Uber will now tell you if your driver is a military veteran

Uber has long been a supporter of the United States military, dating back to when they launched UberMILITARY two years ago with the goal of signing up 50,000 military veterans to be drivers.
Today, on Veteran’s Day, the company is launching a new feature aimed at honoring service members.
When a rider is matched up with a driver who has signed up with UberMILITARY, they will get a notification telling them that their driver is a veteran or military family member.
The notification will appear as a card within Uber’s new “feed”, which was a major part of the recent redesign. As a refresher, these cards will be display information like restaurants nearby your destination and even Snapchat filters that are customized with your ETA.
Considering there are now 70,000 service members, veterans and military spouses driving as part of UberMILITARY, there’s a good chance that you’ll eventually be matched with a service member. And the app will differentiate between veterans themselves and military family members, just to avoid any confusion if you decide to thank your driver or bring it up in a conversation with them.
The move is nice because while it’s free for Uber to implement, it will go a long way in making veterans and their families feel appreciated. Now more than ever, after a particularly tumultuous election season, it’s important to remember that we are are one unified democracy, and our veterans are the ones who have risked their lives to make sure it stays that way.
In addition to launching this notification, Uber will honor Veteran’s Day 2016 by providing 6,000 military families with $25 in Uber ride credit, as well as offering discounted rides today to and from certain military bases.

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